Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Tribute to My Mom

Today at church we were able to "rise up and bless our mothers" but since my mother is far away today I would give testimony of the ways she has blessed me with her life.

She honored my father, she stood by him as he went into different businesses and worked with him.
She was a hard worker. She has always worked outside the home growing up. I know I would have rather had her home but she worked hard to help support her family. I remember when I was much younger she worked as a waitress and she couldn't get the car out of the driveway so she walked to work that night. This was in winter and it was snowing, I am sure she would have rather stayed at home where it was warm but she said you show up for work when you are scheduled. She was faithful in that very much, if she said she would be there, she would. And mostly on time. I remember many times growing up looking for keys to go someplace so I keep them in one place.
She was not the most organized person growing up but I have seen so much growth in that area and others so I know you always keep learning. She enjoys getting more organized now and I have enjoyed learning that as well. It did not come naturally for me, either.
She kept a sense of family. Remember driving an hour quite often to visit my grandparents and staying over. We always sang on the way down to visit them too. We had a lot of traditions, many of them I still keep. We always looked at lights Christmas Eve and had snackie foods. Both sets of grandparents came for holidays, one set always came early and left right after dinner and left early the other set right before dinner and stayed late. As a child I loved it but now as the mom I see how much extra work that would have been for her.
We played games together and read together. She attended programs and cooked.
She loves her children and her grandchildren. She makes a special effort even being far away to let them know that she loves them and visits when she can. Then she reads to them, plays games and we sleep very little. I hope she catches up at home. We are just glad to spend time together.
I am very blessed with the Mom God gave me.

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