Saturday, March 20, 2010

What is your perspective?

I am in charge of my own perspective. Not my circumstances, my house, children, their actions or anything else. When I come into the dining room and see the "tent" my children have created and the "store " underneath with all the boxes, dishes and whatever else they found; I can think how creative they are and be thankful they have good imaginations or I can see a mess and tell them to quickly clean it up. I have been guilty of the later more than the former more often than I like to remember. It is very easy to see the mess that was just cleaned rather than the memories that were just created.

In the south theirs a saying" If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." And isn't that the truth. We set the tone for our home. We are in charge of our attitudes and the atmosphere in our home. When we have a day when things don't go quite right we can choose to keep our attitude right in the midst of it. You can put on a happy face, a little lipstick won't hurt either. We are an example for our children in this. Do they see you rising above the circumstances of life or blaming them for all the things that aren't quite right. Our children are watching more than listening. Do you set a happy tone?
When I go through our day I need to look at the things and see the blessings that are in my daily life. The many meals I cook are because we have food to eat and dishes to wash. We sweep the floor often because we have a lot of feet rushing through the house. I am thankful I picked out flooring in the backporch to match the dirt color in the yard because although I love spring, in our yard it is also mud season. But it is also the season for my fronr yard to be filled with lovely crocuses.
By changing your own persective, who knows how many others you will influence?

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