Thursday, March 25, 2010

The house the children built

Last year during spring break, my children wanted to build a treehouse to play in. I didn't want them climbing the apple tree to build in so they built a play house/fort instead. The name depended on whether you asked the boys or the girls. I thought it would fall down in a day or so. But it was good experience and kept them busy and productive. I also limited them on hand tools only. The boys weren't quite happy with that but they managed. Sam was in charge cutting the boards to the same length. Remember they are using scrap lumber so it was all very uneven. What I thought would be a week long project only took them 2 days, They were out there morning until night as long as I would let them. I kept them supplies with drinks and snacks.
And they kept busy. And no fighting either. Since they all had so much to do they got a long quite well. I think that is one of the secrets to harmonious living, a common goal and lots to do.
They used a blanket for a door and my husband thought 10 pounds of nails. ( He went out one night after they went to sleep and either pounded or cut off the ends with a dremel tool. It took him 2 hours. It also lasted over 2 months. They had quite a good time until a huge storm came, I also think it had a little help falling down.
They learned a lot from this playtime. They used both math and construction skills. I knew they were listening when helping their father because they had no help with this at all. From the plans? to finding a door they did it all on their own. They learned teamwork. My oldest son said the best part was building it and now wants to do it again. He learned leadership and that it doesn't mean the same as bossiness or he would have trouble getting anyone to work with him. All in all it was a good experience that I hope to repeat.

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