Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Christmas Values

I have been working on the Holiday Grand Plan and one of the weeks they have you question the values, activites, etc. that make Christmas improtant to you. We have a large family, 10 children, 1 grandaughter, son-in law, parents, etc. I start Christmas shopping with the after Christmas sales the year before. But some things I thought were important; to my family were not. So use this time to talk over with your family and you may find out some of the things that you are wearing yourself out over are just not that important. You may find that they don't want to go to the Nutcracker every year but would rather stay home and make snowball fights. That they want to use (gasp!) decorated paper plates for Christmas rather than china. That your 8yo daughter's 2 favorite things are caroling to the nieghbors and bringing them cookies and havign the family picture taken for cards. (Now that is strange. Have you ever tried to get 10 people to match, not let anyone get dirty before we leave, all the hair and make up done, we have 7 daughters. It takes hours and we haven't even left the house yet. Then get everyone to smile at the same time.) And this? is her favorite thing? Strange bird. So we are making adjustments this year. I am trying to simplify a little so I can enjoy Christmas as much as the rest of my family.

1 comment:

Amber Stoneburner said...

I think it's great that you are trying to enjoy Christmas more by doing less. Simplifying always makes things easier, and the easier life is the more you can enjoy it.
Good post, it's always good to be reminded to talk with family, and make sure you are only doing what is wanted, it cuts down on the pressure. I hope you really enjoy Christmas this year, not just survive it.