Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas is...... Christ

I love Christmas, the sights, the smells, the decorations, the feeling of expectation. There is something wonderful about having a whole season focused on.....

What is your focus? If you go into the world it is presents, the gimmee's, Santa, shopping, rushing, doing and all the stuff that goes along with it.

But to have a whole season to be able to be focused on Jesus, that is a gift. Yes, I know we should do that every day, but to have this season of anticipation... Can you imagine so long ago the anticipation they had waiting for Jesus to come? Knowing He would change their lives forever. Do you anticipate His second coming as much as you do Christmas? My children joke I am the biggest child at Christmas. I love to decorate for my family, to bake, to buy presents and look forward to how much they will enjoy them. I love to teach my children why we do the things we do at Christmas. Why do we give presents and decorate and bake. Each year we bake a lot. We carol and give cookies to out neighbors. It is my son's favorite activity for this time of year. He has been repeatedly asking when they can go give cookies out. And sing, loudly to the neighbors. I have been telling him he needs to wait within a week of Christmas. So yesterday was a week and they delivered cookies and had a wonderful time. Giving, not getting. Don't you imagine that Jesus is having a wonderful time anticipating us coming to heaven. We know He is getting a place ready for us. Don't you think it will be wonderfully decorated with a feast waiting for us. Isn't it hard to wait for that?

1 comment:

Fantacy so Sweet-n-Stuff... said...

I am so blessed to have found this blog and I love this post :) (and I am a bit in awe of your mothering/homeschooling skills lol, I am panicked about having my 3 and my 2 nephews home from school for 2 weeks for Christmas break!)
My granparents (who raised me) have both went Home to be with the Lord and that is one of the things that helps me cope with them not being here to see my kids grow up (they never met my youngest). I know that THEY get to celebrate His birth/life/resurrection/eternal life every single moment from now until eternity and I know that they are celebrating it together! Ok sorry for the novel ;) I really said all that to say THANK YOU for blessing me with this post today!