Sunday, November 7, 2010

An Attitude of Blessings

I have a choice on how I decide to view whatever happens. I can chose to look at it as a blessing or as not. This weekend I spent 2 evenings in the ER. That was not how I would have chosen to have spent them but I am choosing to be thankful that medical care is nearby and available should be needed. I am thankful at how kind the dr's and nursed were there. And that I could go home and spend tonight in my own bed. I would, should be sleeping but one of the meds causes insomnia so I guess I have time to write this blog. Our circumstances may vary but each one of us can choose how to view them. Is your glass half empty or full. I have a member of my family that this is hard for and I am accused of walking with rose colored glasses. But I like the color rose so I think I'll stick with it.

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