Thursday, September 23, 2010

Filling My Own Tank

Because You are My Help. I Will Sing in the Shadow of Your Wings.
Psalms 63:7

I love early mornings. I am a "morning" person, I do naturally wake up early and get a lot more done then than any other part of the day. But that is not the main reason I like them. This is the time I fill my own tank.

I rise early, get dressed and a cup of hot tea and have time with the Lord. I read my Bible, prayer for my family and even sing, although quietly. Many times people have heard I have 10 children and ask "How do you do it?" This is how, I make time for me, before anyone else is up and fill up, so I have something to give to my family. Sometimes I have time for other things, exercise (although not right now), email, writing, phone calls; but I make time for me first, before any one else is awake. I have been learning if I don't take care of me I can't do a good job of taking care of anyone else. So I put this first.

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