Thursday, September 10, 2009

Colors or white decor

I love color. It it cheerful, ( I don't have any uncheerful colors in my home), makes me feel good, and great color can make you smile just by looking at it. I have color in every room of my home, a red bathroom, yellow dining room, blue bedroom, green and pink kitchen. You get the idea. But I found a wonderful blog that is decorated all, almost all in white. gasp! I wasn't aware white was even a color. At least not to decorate in. But this is beautiful, peaceful, soothing, clean. Did I mention clean? We still have 8 children at home. 8. That's 16 feet and hands. 80 sets of fingerprints. When I picked out the flooring for our back porch I picked it to match the color of our dirt outside. Because with 8 children running in and out, dirt color is the main color you see. She did have slipcovers and I know those can be washed and bleached but I do enough laundry now. So I think I will dream about a clean, white cottage home.

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