Friday, July 23, 2010

Schedules and order- mine or His

I love lists and schedules. You can ask my family; I have numerous notebooks. My documents has files just for past schedules. I have a palm pilot, a datebook and a calender. I have post-it notes and clipping inside my cupboard doors and taped to doors. I love the order of it. Of having plans made and followed? But they don't always work. Kids get sick, or in our house Mom is the one to get sick more often. Interruption's happen; the phone rings, someone stops by or a child just has to show you this right now! But these are my plans, my lists. I have been pondering a quote from a book for a few days now and trying to piece this into my life for what God wants. But maybe that is what is wrong. I can't piece in what I want from God, He wants the whole pie!

"The Lord is beckoning to me to rest in Him--to cease striving and allow Him to order my day. I had unknowingly placed more trust in my ability to manage than in God's plan for my life. I had allowed schedules and expectations to replace the assurance that God's Grace was sufficient - always and no matter what."

Lorraine Curry-Easy homeschooling Companion

So as a busy wife, mom, homeschool teacher, daughter, and homemaker as I juggle all these roles I must also remember I have a role as a follower of Christ. And even though it is the quietest, it is also the most important. And while He doesn't clamor for attention, He still wants it but just quietly waits until I come to Him. And rest.

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