Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Time and money saving tips

I had a friend ask for some money saving tips as her husbands hours were down and she was looking for some new ways to save. These are the ones I sent her and I thought I would share with you.

Dear ,

I was thinking about the money saving tips you asked for and all the ones I thought of I knew were time consuming and was hesitant to share since I know how busy you are. But I thought I would give them to you and let you weed out the ones you wouldn’t do. Here is a list of grocery saving ones I put on my blog enclosed too.

Give the job to the youngest person possible. I know this isn’t a money saving tip but it saves time. Also, it teaches them to do the jobs and gives them a sense of self worth. I know with many children it is easiest to give it to one who already knows how to do it but I look back on what my older children did when younger and sometimes I sell them short on what they can do.

I make my own laundry soap.

Calculate how much something really costs. We got a gadget that you plug in and plug that appliance into to see how many kilowatts it uses.

Don’t do a lot that someone else can do for you. Many hands make light work.

Don’t peel your potatoes, we just spot them.

I shop farther for better bargains. I bought chicken quarters by the case because they were only 42 cents a lb that way. Even at 5lb. Per meal that is still just over $2.

Make multiples of meals. It is almost as easy to make double as one. When I make mac and cheese I make an 18 qt. Roaster full and eat one and freeze 3 portions. Today I’m making blueberry bread, instead of 1 or 2, I’ll make 6 and freeze 4. I used to do a lot more once a month cooking but with time constraints this is much easier and I still stock my freezer.

Make what you can.

We are given clothes that are a huge blessing but sometimes something either doesn’t fit quite right or no one likes it. I either pass it or make something else. I have a lot of aprons that were the skirts of dresses. My daughter made a blue jean square quilt. Shorts from flood pants are always easy.

Use CVS for their ebc’s and get free and very cheap items.

Keep a price book so you know how much something costs, where it is the best price and how often it goes on sale.

Garden. You can grow a small salad garden in only a few minutes a day.

Go to the dented stores. Salad dressings are only a quarter and many other good buys.

Shop early if you can. The early bird gets the worm or the sale.

I color code my children so I know whose towel, cup, bowl, etc it left out.

Take care of yourself. Find little ways to still make you feel good without spending a lot of money. A cup of tea, a candle, a good book and a bubble bath are my favorite. They don’t cost much and I feel pampered.

There are many things to do with your children that are very frugal. There are free concerts and movies at the parks soon in the summer. Many museums have free days. Just the park itself is fun. You could make them a treasure map of things to look for so it makes it more interesting. God on a family walk, see if there are any good walking trails near you. 50 cents movies at the show on Mondays are even just library movies, a bucket of popcorn and kool aid. Also, don’t think you can’t have people over just because it cost to much. We have had them over just for dessert, or made homemade ice cream. Everyone gets to turn the crank. Most people are happy to help and bring something to add, potluck style. Spaghetti can stretch really far. A baked potato or salad bar are both fun and filling. Or just snacks after evening church.

I hope this was a help and I will be praying for you.
Blessings, Christina

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