Thursday, January 1, 2009

Getting it mostly done

I have come to believe there is no such thing as getting it all done. Take laundry for example; even if you have all the clothes washed, dried and put away, you still are wearing dirty clothes. It is never all done. So I have learned to be satisfied with enough. One of the things that has been a huge help to me the last few years is a daily planner from
It has a list of daily and weekly tasks to get done as well as extras that I usually didn't get done like pampering your self or working on a hobby. You can see a sample of this at this link
I set my planner in the kitchen and mark it off as I get it done, sometimes ahead of time and sometimes I am running behind but usually by weeks end I have everything completed. I also write my menus down the side of it so I have a record of what we have and I think this year I am going to put the saving I earn by using coupons and ebc's from cvs. That way at the end of the years I have a pretty good record of what has been done. Please feel free to ask any questions.

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